Verification To ensure that your application is processed correctly, please complete the entire application. Please review all information for accuracy prior to submitting your payment. Any payments made on this site other than cigarette citations may result in your citation not receiving the appropriate credit. Your Cigarette Citation Number will begin with RV followed by 8 numbers and is located on the left side of the ticket. (example - RV00000000). If you are making a payment on your Notice of Delinquent Debt Due pertaining to a cigarette violation, you are only allowed to make a payment online if the citation number is formatted like the example. (RV00000000)
Contact Information If your citation number is formatted differently, please either mail your payment to or pay in person at 118 N. Clark Street, Room 1160, Chicago, IL 60602.
Charge InformationBy submitting this request, you are authorizing a charge to your credit card or a debit to your checking account for the amount entered.

Cigarette Payments

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Cigarette Payment
Cigarette Payment #1
Citation #: * Example: RV00000000 (no spaces or dashes)
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Amount: *  

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Citation #: * Example: RV00000000 (no spaces or dashes)
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Amount: *  
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Cigarette Payment #3
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Citation #: * Example: RV00000000 (no spaces or dashes)
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